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Multi-cut blades
Fine tooth screw slotting sawblades
Slitting Saw blades
140mm & 165mm diameter For EXACT Portable Orbital Pipe Cutting Machines
Simonds Carbide Bandsaw Blade for high-nickel alloys, titanium, Inconel, and other exotic materials.
Simonds Bi-metal Bandsaw Blade for recycled pallets constructed with nails or staples.
Semi Automatic | 2 Way Mitre | Pivot Head | Max Capacity (Round) 490 mm
Semi Automatic | Heavy Duty | 2 Way Mitre | Pivot Head | Max Capacity (Round) 500 mm
Semi Automatic | 2 Way Mitre | Pivot Head | Max Capacity (Round) 715 mm
Infeed/outfeed Table 3000mm
3 Axis CNC | Aluminium Machining Centre | 2050 x 6185 / 4185 mm W x L